
Time, Connection and Space: Lockdown Tips for the Everyday

**This is a blog I wrote in April 2020, during the first coronavirus lockdown in the UK, before I had a website to publish it on!

I have been thinking about this blog and I feel that the main focus of prioritising time for oneself still rings true today and everyday

Many women are still working from home, juggling work and family life like never before. Some of us are yet to see family and friends that we have been separated from.

So at this point in time, as life is about to start moving forwards and gathering pace, it is important to maintain some of the principles written about here with regards to managing time, connecting with loved ones and ring-fencing space for yourself and your own needs.**

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What is dramatherapy anyway? And 5 ways it can help you!

“You’re a what?”

This is usually the next line in a conversation where I’ve been asked what it is I do for a living.  So you’re not alone in not having a clue what a dramatherapist is.

“But what is it?”

Usually the follow up question.  I have tried a thousand ways to put it into lay terms but usually for people who actually weren’t that interested anyway.

But you’re here because you are interested.

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